Inside the Chimney
The security cameras installed in late August 2010 in the Frank Wagner Elementary chimney in Monroe captured this clip on September 4, 2010. Editing by Curt Young.
Movie Time
This clip from Frank Wagner Elementary shows the swifts entering the chimney, not head first, but tail first. Editing by Curt Young.
San Rafael, CA
7,000+ Vaux’s Swifts swirl into an abandoned chimney on 9/20/10. This is Vaux Happening’s most recently discovered site.
Vaux’s Swift
Magic Show
Having some fun with video clips--these are NOT special effects, but actually occurred as seen.
Frank Wagner Elem.
The swifts leave in the morning and return 65 minutes later 9/9/10.
Crow kill, FW Elem.
Stuck bird, FW Elem.
Drama inside the chimney.
Crow Cafe
Videography takes a bold step forward, 7/29/11.
Crow Poker
The solution to the Crow Cafe, 7/29/11.